The name of this organization shall be the Bayport Community Action League (BCAL), Bayport, MN.


The purposes of this organization shall be to:

A. Promote civic, educational, recreational and cultural activities of the community.

B. Provide an opportunity for leadership training, personal growth and development.

C. Provide social and recreational activities for the members of this organization.


A member is any person, at least 18 years of age, when dues are paid. A member may resign from this organization by giving written notice to the President. A member may be removed, with or without cause, at any duly constituted meeting of the Board of Directors, by the affirmative vote of the majority of the then serving Board members.


A. The fiscal year shall begin January 1 and end December 31 of each year.

B. Any member whose dues (amount set in policy) are not paid by the January membership meeting shall lose voting privileges and privilege of joining in discussion at a general membership meeting. Any member whose dues are in arrears after the March general membership meeting shall automatically cease to be a member.

C. No refund of annual dues shall be made under any circumstances.


A. The officers of this organization shall be President, Vice President , Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian/Marketer. All officers are voting members of the Board of Directors. B. The duties of the officers shall be as follows: 1. President - Shall preside at all general, special, and board meetings of this organization and perform all the duties pertaining to the office. Shall be a member ex-officio of all committees and shall appoint, with the approval of the Board of Directors, all standing committee chairpersons (except the Nominating and Membership/Recruiting Chair).

2. Vice-President - Shall preside at the membership, Board of Directors and special meetings in the absence of the President. In the absence of the Secretary, shall keep minutes of all proceedings and record the same. Shall perform such duties assigned by the President and notification of members who are absent from the meeting when something is pertinent for them to know. Shall advise the President and work with the President in selecting the proper procedure to transact business. Shall assist in revising by-laws and policies. Shall be the chair of the nominating committee and chair of the Membership/Recruiting committee.

3. Secretary - Shall keep minutes of all proceedings and record the same. Shall list the name of the person making the motion. A motion, whether adopted or rejected, shall be included. Shall do correspondence and perform other duties as the office shall require. Shall be the official timekeeper, advising the President when it is time to begin the meeting and when it is time to start winding up the meeting.

4. Treasurer - The treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, pay out funds in accordance with bylaws, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, present a financial statement, including a bank record, at every regular membership meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the Board of Directors, file all required tax and any other required forms before they are due, and make a full report of the organization’s financials at the end of the year. To help ensure accountability and expedite reimbursements, the membership may opt to elect a co-treasurer.

5. Historian/Marketing Lead- Shall keep track of activities and events associated with the organization. Shall ensure event reports are written and maintained annually. Shall be responsible for general publicity, photography and promotion of all organization events. Shall maintain the organization’s website and online presence.


A. The Board of Directors shall be composed of all the officers of the organization.

B. The Board of Directors shall meet bi-monthly or at any time deemed advisable by the President or a majority of the members of the Board.

C. The Board of Directors shall be authorized to act on all matters relative to the policies of the organization, its welfare and membership, and may direct activities for the general good of the organization.

D. A majority (3) of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at the Board of Directors meetings. E. The general membership can overrule any decision of the Board of Directors.


A. The nominating committee shall be appointed in October by the Vice President, with the approval of the Board of Directors.

B. At the November meeting, the nominating committee shall receive nominations from the floor with at least one nominee for each office, and no one person being nominated for more than one office.

C. The nominating committee shall conduct the election at the December meeting beginning with the office of President. Nominations may be accepted from the floor by any member at the annual election. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared elected. Any person being defeated for an office may be nominated from the floor to another office. In the event of a tie, another vote will be taken for only the two nominees involved in the tie. The President does have the right to vote.

D. Vacancies of any elective office shall be filled by majority vote of the general membership for the unexpired term of that office; except, however, the Vice President shall succeed the Presidency in the event of the vacancy of the office of the President.

E. The officers of this organization are elected for a term of one year. They are eligible for re-election to the same office for two additional terms. Then they are not again eligible for election to the same office until a one year period has elapsed. An individual’s term limit may be extended if approved by a majority of voting members.

F. New officers shall be installed at the first order of business at the January meeting.


A. The regular membership meeting shall be held monthly as decided by the Board of Directors.

B. One-third of the membership of good standing, including two members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


A. The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall determine the standing committees deemed proper and necessary to fulfill the objectives and purposes of the organization. Committees must include at least a Nomination Committee as well as the Membership/Recruiting Committee to ensure the longevity of the organization. Committees may consist of a single voting member.

B. Upon completion of an event or project, the respective committee (standing or special) shall submit a report to the Historian/Marketing Lead.

C. All funding requests must be reviewed by the voting membership or Board of Directors as outlined below:

1. Requests in the amount of $100 or less must receive approval of the majority of members of the Board of Directors but do not need to be presented at a monthly meeting.

2. Requests of more than $100 must be presented at a monthly meeting and approved by the voting membership.


Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern the organization, except when in conflict with these By-Laws.


A. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at the meeting, a quorum being present; provided that the amendment has been read and submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting, or submitted in writing to each voting member ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

B. These By-Laws may be suspended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present at the meeting, providing a quorum is present.